Dental Implants Procedure


dental implants procedureA dental implants procedure is primarily used for the replacement of one or more missing teeth due to any reason, such as injury or damage. They are the top option because they can save tooth and do not need to be supported by neighboring teeth. They also look and feel natural, so you can just take the lost tooth out of your mind completely. A lot of people also have difficulty speaking with dentures and bridges, and this is one problem dental implants can save you from.

More and more people are taking the road down towards dental implants. Its success rate is also increasing with each increase in cases. When the surgery is properly conducted and the implants are taken good care of both on your own and with the help of a dental health professional especially a periodontist, the implant will most probably last for a long time.

But before you get a dental implant, it is important you be acquainted with any factor that may affect the procedure.

Guidelines for the Dental Implants Procedure

  • Types Of Dental Implants
  • Qualifications For Dental Implant Patients
  • Dental Implants Maintenance
  • The Dental Implant Process

1. Types of Dental Implants

First of all, there are two different types of dental implants, the endosteal or the subperiosteal. Endosteal means that the implants are surgically implanted into the jawbone. It is the most common type of implant used. The implant can be designed to hold more than just one prosthetic teeth.

The other type of implant is the subperiosteal implant, which are simply placed on top of the jaw and propped with metal framework posts extending from the gums and attached to the prosthetic tooth or teeth. These implants are only used when the condition calls for it, such as when the patient’s jawbone height is insufficient.

2. Qualifications for Dental Implant Patients

Before you ask for a dental implants procedure, you have to be sure you are allowed to have an implant. Your dentist can give you a checkup to see whether any conditions may prevent you from having the said procedure.

The first requirement for dental implant patients is healthy teeth that can strongly hold the implant. The patient should not have periodontal disease or symptoms of it. The dental implant procedure has a lot to do with your gums, so it helps to go to a dental practice with a periodontist on the team or a dentist who also specializes on periodontics. Next, there should be sufficient bone in the jaw to hold the implant in place.

3. Dental Implants Maintenance

So when your dental implants procedure is done, what can you expect? Well, firstly, you can expect freedom in smiling and speaking. You can expect to forget about losing a tooth. But don’t get carried away with confidence that you forget to give sufficient care and attention to your dental implant. Dental implants are like natural teeth; they also need the same level of care. Not because it’s a prosthetic that means the implant is immune to damage. Dental implants should be regularly cleaned and brushed. Flossing also helps to protect from buildup along the gum line.

Also, after the treatment, you should get a periodontist to check the implant from time to time. Dentists can give you a care plan to follow which will include follow-up visits for monitoring purposes.

4. The Dental Implant Process

The dental implants process can be broken down into three stages: preparing the jaw for implantation, placement of the implant, and recovery stage. Dental recovery differs in the length of time they take and the oral hygiene that follows the surgery. For the bone to properly fuse with the dental implant in an unhindered process of osseointegration, the newly placed implants should be properly taken care of.

Other Uses of Dental Implants

Dental implants are not always used for tooth replacement. They can also be used to solve other dental issues, such as provide support for a denture to prevent it from coming loose or to support a bridge. The main advantage is that it is implanted into the jawbone and raises the comfort level of tooth replacement options to a maximum. Although the dental implants procedure is more invasive because it is a surgical procedure, it is more beneficial in the long run.