Cosmetic Dentistry Prices – How Much Should A Beautiful Smile Cost You?


cosmetic dentistry pricesCosmetic dentistry prices are one of the dental price groups that are leading the way through continuous price increases. Dental procedures that fall under cosmetic dentistry are hands down the most expensive dental procedures around mainly because the need for these procedures are not for treatment or therapeutic purposes but for esthetic purposes, which are far less urgent than some of the dental procedures used to treat serious dental issues. Mostly, cosmetic procedures that are not deemed necessary, but are sought after by individuals who want better-looking teeth simply out of vanity.

Cosmetic dental procedures require a lot of thought, not only due to the change it is expected to make on one’s teeth, but also due to the costly expenses it entails. Before you pay to go under the dental knife, you should understand cosmetic dentistry costs first.

Understanding Cosmetic Dentistry Costs

  • How Much Should You Pay for Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Factors Included in Cosmetic Dentistry Costs
  • Cosmetic Dentistry Financing Options

1. How Much Should You Pay for Cosmetic Dentistry

There are no singular prices for cosmetic dental procedures because dental offices charge differently. The only way to find out the exact amount that your dental procedure will cost is to discuss it with your dentist. Nevertheless, it is useful to look at the average costs of some of the most popular cosmetic procedures so you will have an idea of the running rate of cosmetic care.

The porcelain veneers are fast rising up the chart of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. Veneers can be used to solve a lot of dental issues, or rather, to cover them up. They also make teeth look really bright, clean, and polished, with an unmistakable luster and the right translucency to make it still look natural. Porcelain veneers will cost you around $975 for each veneer, which is already a conservative estimate. The highest charges for veneers in some areas are along the lines of $2,200.

White dental fillings can also cost you anywhere from $150 to $250 per filling. Two or more fillings are charged based on price per filling, although most dental practices offer bundled prices to help you save money. For example, instead of paying $300 to $500 for two fillings, you can also receive the treatment for only around $200 and $400.

2. Factors Included in Cosmetic Dentistry Costs

Several factors may cause ripples in the sea of cosmetic dentistry prices. One of the biggest influences in the cost of cosmetic procedures is the extent of work that will be done, as this will determine how much time and effort will be spent in the said procedure.

Aside from that, dentists also charge for the exact same procedures differently, since they have their unique skills, varying expertise and experience levels, and different training backgrounds. All these factors make each dentist different from the next one, so each dentist will also charge differently.

Also, the location of the cosmetic dental clinic you go to affects the prices you will be charged, since specific dental clinic prices are, even just slightly, still influenced and still based on a price range deemed as standard in the said area. These price standards by location are often established based on the number of people in the area and the number of dentists.

4. Cosmetic Dentistry Financing Options

It is more challenging to seek financing options for cosmetic dental procedures since most companies would naturally prefer to finance emergency or important dental procedures that are highly necessary for purposes that go beyond the esthetics. Fortunately, there are some companies that do understand your need for cosmetic dental care and are willing to help with financing.

Care Credit, one of the financing options you can use to pay for your cosmetic dental procedures, can give patients a flat rate of $25000 to cover their cosmetic dentistry costs, regardless of which procedures you want and how much the regular cosmetic dentistry prices are. Then Care Credit will allow you to pay the debt of $25000 in a monthly installment program, with both check and credit card payments accepted.

Discount Plans to Help With Cosmetic Dentistry Costs

If you want more than just financing, if you prefer to get discounts and reduced cosmetic dentistry prices, you should ensue your search for discount dental plans. Discount plans are membership plans that offer its members discounts to various dental procedures, and some discount plans offer discounts even for cosmetic dental procedures.