Careington Dental – How Careington Cares for Your Dental Health


careington dentalCareington dental plans are offered by Careington Internation Corporation, a Discount Medical Plan organization that provides family-friendly and affordable discount dental plans to make both dental care more accessible to more people. Careington’s objective is to give consumers a more pocket-friendly and a more hassle-free alternative to dental insurance, and all with the same end: to improve the general state of oral health in the country. In order to achieve this, Careington offers a host of benefits for interested consumers; these benefits make up the whole Careington program.

Careington Dental Benefits – The Full Package

  • Discount Dental Plans by Careington
  • Careington Dentist Network
  • Dental Sample Savings

1. Discount Dental Plans by Careington

The Careington dental program gives you two dental plans to choose from, and neither of them are considered as insurance plans. These discount plans work by providing members with discounts on a specified list of dental care services. This means the patient has to pay for the procedure at the same time it is completed, but the final price will be discounted up to a certain percentage that Careington determines. Careington has negotiated these discounts and has partnered with dentists all over the country.

Careington’s two dental plans are the Careington Care 500 Series and the Careington Select Plan. Joining the discount plans are way easier than applying for your traditional dental insurance plan. To enroll, you just need to fill out an online form or apply through phone. After that, you will be asked for a yearly membership fee, which takes the hassle of monthly payments away (although Careington still gives you the option to pay on a monthly basis). In a week or so, you will then receive your membership card and other supporting materials and you can already enjoy discounted dental services.

The discount plans may be cancelled at any time. If you cancel in less than 45 days after your enrollment, Careington will give you your entire payment back. For those who cancel after 45 days, they will be given a pro-rated refund.

2. Careington Dentist Network

The group of dentists who honor discounts sponsored by Careington fall under a group called the Careington dental network. Members of Careington plans are only allowed to seek dental services from dentists within this network; otherwise, they will not enjoy any discounts. Discounts are given only if the patient presents his or her membership card to a participating dentist.

Careington takes its sweet time in choosing and evaluating dentists to invite into their plan. Dentists often choose to partner with well-trusted organizations like Careington because the reputable program also brings in a lot of new patients to them. Now, Careington boasts of a growing network of more than 63,000 dentists nationwide.

3. Dental Sample Savings

Once you become a Careington discount plan member, you are entitled to discounts ranging from 20% to 60% on most dental procedures. There are no specific limitations; all kinds of procedures, including routine checkups and exams as well as extensive procedures such as dentures, are covered. The basic procedures are usually covered at higher percentages, while the specialist procedures such as dentures and braces are covered usually up to only 20%. Considering the rising prices of major dental procedures, 20% is more than enough to suffice.

The great thing about Careington discount plans is that they cover both orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry procedures such as bleaching, veneers, and bonding. This is unusual because not all discount plans cover these procedures.

As a sample computation of savings offered by Careington, you get to save $23 from a periodic oral evaluation that originally costs $46, and you can get a porcelain crown fused to high noble metal for only $577 instead of its original $995 cost. That’s quite a bargain, right?

Add-On Benefits from Careington

Aside from the dental coverage, Careington dental plans also offer add-on benefits to their members. They made this possible by partnering with other prominent providers in the industry. For example, members of Careington plans are also entitled to 75% discounts on professional teeth whitening kits manufactured by Bright and White, Inc. The company can even ship the kit straight to you. Another add-on benefit is a 40% to 50% discount on LASIK eye surgery from Qualsight so those who wear glasses or contact lenses can finally regain the vision freedom they lost. Indeed, Careington obviously cares for its members so much to offer more than what they’re expected to.