Secondary Dental Insurance – Supplemental Dental Insurance Plans


Discover secondary dental insurance, also known as supplemental dental insurance, is one of the many options people now consider in their search for dental care that they need and can easily afford.

The dental insurance market these days is quite tricky. There are sources of affordable and even free dental coverage, such as employers or associations you are a member of.

However, the problem with these plans is that they rarely ever meet your dental care needs. Most of them are pretty limited and only cover the most basic procedures. Some, on the other hand, offer only the most expensive procedures that you are left alone to pay for the regular maintenance checkups, the costs of which accumulate rather quickly over time.

It’s a good thing there’s secondary or supplemental dental insurance, which can help you customize your dental coverage to meet your needs.

How to Find the Best Secondary Dental Insurance

  • Review Your Current Policy
  • Make A List of Uncovered Needs
  • Set A Budget
  • Compare Different Plans

1. Review Your Current Policy

secondary dental insuranceThe very first thing you need to do in finding a secondary dental insurance plan is to review your existing dental insurance plan. You need to evaluate every aspect of the plan and see which parts do not satisfactorily meet your needs. Take stock of how much you benefit from your plan. If you don’t quite benefit from the dental insurance plan you have, whether you are paying for it or it’s offered free by an employer or group, you’re not any better off than when you did not have the coverage.

It would be next to impossible to find the perfect plan that only covers exactly what you need, but you can come up with combinations that are closer to your needs by reviewing the coverage you already have, which will give you a clear idea of what needs are left uncovered.

2. Make A List of Uncovered Needs

Next, you have to list down all the dental procedures you want to have coverage for that your existing policy does not cover. This will function as your road map as you try to find the most appropriate dental coverage that meets your needs.

Usually, free plans cover only the minor procedures, leaving you defenseless against major tooth problems. In such cases, your supplemental dental insurance plan can only cover the major procedures. This way, you can rest assured that all possibilities are accounted for.

3. Set A Budget

The next thing to do is to determine how much you are willing to pay for your secondary dental insurance. Getting supplemental insurance means that you get another bill added to your monthly collection. Despite this, if you really need the additional coverage and you choose the right supplemental plan, your decision will prove to be beneficial in the long run. Still, make sure the amount you will pay for your additional coverage can easily fit alongside your other expenses without breaking the bank.

Nevertheless, it’s never a good idea to spend too much on a secondary plan. The term itself is the reason: it is a supplemental plan. It should be a practical move to get such a plan, not another false financial decision.

4. Compare Different Plans

Once you have your budget and your needs all figured out, it’s time to take on the market of supplemental dental insurance plans. Shopping for insurance can be a chore, but if you don’t spend time choosing the right plan, you will end up in a bigger chore after some time: that of clearing out your soaring dental insurance bills knowing that you didn’t get your money’s worth.

Whether you benefit from a secondary dental plan or not ultimately depends on how carefully and insightfully you choose your plan.

When You Need Supplemental Insurance for Dental Care

There are many situations where supplemental dental insurance will prove useful. The most common situation is when you have an existing employer-sponsored plan that gives partial coverage. This means you are saved from the burden of getting a full plan but can still ensure that your needs will be met without your having to spend a lot of money. The second type of situation that commonly calls for a supplemental plan is when you have special dental needs that need special attention on top of your existing plan.