Tricare Dental – Your Questions about Tricare Dental Insurance Answered


tricare dental insuranceThe Tricare dental insurance benefits are very helpful in ensuring that members and retirees of Tricare receive proper dental and overall health care. Tricare is an organization whose objective is to help and assist members of the military and their families in any way. One of these ways is to provide affordable and easier access to dental care. The Tricare health plan has been around for quite some time, and since 2001, a dental plan has been added to the list of benefits received by all members of Tricare.

Tricare’s work benefits all military members such as those in Active Duty, Select Reserve, and Individual Ready Reserves. Their families are also covered in the coverage they receive.

The aid and benefits offered by Tricare is just one way of giving back to the members of the military, who sacrifice a lot for the country. If there is anyone who deserves support for the basic needs in life and in health, it is these modern heroes. However, Tricare makes sure they still make the final choice. The dental program offered by Tricare is on a voluntary basis, so if one is not interested, he does not have to avail of the program.

Commonly Asked Questions about Tricare Dental Program

  • How much coverage is there?
  • How much do I have to pay in premiums?
  • Do I need to pay deductibles?
  • Which procedures are covered?

1. How much coverage is there?

The Tricare dental insurance offered to all Tricare members is sourced from a leading insurance provider in the country: United Concordia.

All in all, the total coverage is worth $1,200 per year for every Tricare member who avails of the dental program. This is the maximum amount they can spend on benefits in the form of coverage. Orthodontics, however, are not counted; the costs of orthodontics can be rather high and can eat up the entire maximum amount, so a separate coverage is provided for orthodontics. This coverage is up to $1,500 for each member, but this is already good for a lifetime or for as long as you are a member of the Tricare dental program.

The breakdown of coverage is as follows:100% for diagnostic and preventive care, 100% for emergency dental care, 20% for restorative care including sealants, 30% for endodontic and periodontic care as well as oral surgeries, 50% for prosthodontic and orthodontic care, and 50% for implants.

2. How much do I have to pay in premiums?

Tricare members who are interested in a dental health plan can avail of one at very low rates. The premiums differ based on their position in the service. Active Duty Members are offered a monthly premium of $12.12 for individual membership and $30.29 for family enrolment.

For Individual Ready Reserve members, the premiums are $30.29 for sponsor and one family member, $75.73 for the entire family, and $106.02 for the entire family plus the sponsor.

3. Do I need to pay deductibles?

A deductible, in insurance terms, is the amount of money the plan holder has to pay before the coverage begins. In short, you have to pay the deductible out of your own money then your insurance plan will shoulder the rest of the expense.

The dental program offered by United Concordia to all Tricare members who are interested does not require payments of deductibles, so you don’t have to worry about unexpected cash outs.

4. Which procedures are covered?

The Tricare dental programs offered by United Concordia are inclusive of all kinds of dental services you may need. The program begins with diagnostic and preventive services such as cleanings, oral exams, and dental x-rays. It also covers all basic procedures and all specialties, even some major procedures. Endodontics, periodontal care, prosthodontics, orthodontics, and even oral surgery – you name it, United Concordia can offer it for Tricare members. When it comes to orthodontics, however, there are some limitations. The orthodontics coverage applies only to the Tricare member and to family members who are under 21 years old.

The coverage for the procedures, however, vary. Some procedures are also offered in a cost-share basis. For example, resin or composite fillings are covered but the cost will be shared by the program and by the Tricare member.

Do Retirees Still Get Tricare Dental Benefits?

The answer is yes. Retirees from the service can still receive dental benefits from Tricare. The Tricare dental program for retirees is not offered by United Concordia anymore. The benefits are now sourced from Delta Dental, another top dental insurance provider. However, the basics are the same. You can avail of the plan if you are interested; to do so, you have to pay the monthly premiums. In exchange, you get a dental coverage for yourself and your family depending on the coverage you avail of.