Invisalign Before and After Tips on How to Get Results


Read and hear stories about Invisalign before and after results and for sure you’ll be inspired to sign up for the procedure. Well this can be expected thanks mainly to the innovations and technologies that come with the procedure. If we go back to the experiences and testimonials of past patients who took advantage of the procedure, then we will know how efficient the procedure can be.  As they say, the true test of a service is by asking how satisfied the previous customers are.

In the case of Invisalign, many patients are reporting good results and they are more than satisfied not just with the outcome but with the services that come with it. And for a first-time patient like you, even prior to the actual procedures you’ll have an idea as to how successful the procedure will be. You may probably ask how cans this happen. Well it’s all about the latest technologies adopted in the industry, and in this case the 3D simulation technologies are used. Dentists use the technology in order to show you and the other patients how the procedure will happen- or how the teeth will be realigned.

Some Requirements You Need to Know to Get the Best Out of the Treatment

Invisalign works no doubt about that, but you can still ensure the success of the procedure by keeping in mind certain requirements. There are four important requirements that should be met including;

  • Patient compliance
  • Choice of treatment
  • Planning of treatment
  • Balance and links with other procedures
  • Your compliance to treatment

Want to get the best Invisalign before and after results?

If yes, then you need to make sure that you follow doctor’s orders. There are requirements that need to be met. For example, you’ll need to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours a day. You need to comply with this if you are looking for best results. This may seem like an easy act to do, but in reality there are many patients who fail to comply and falls into the temptation of removing the aligners every time. This is one of the weaknesses of this procedure. Because this is removable, patients usually remove this when eating or sleeping. If you want the procedure to work, comply with the doctor’s instructions.

Choice of treatment

There are different options available when it comes to dental treatment. In order to select the best treatment option, it’s important that you know first the nature of the dental problem. For most dental issues, Invisalign will work. But there are some problems that cannot be remedied by Invisalign and sometimes reverting back to the use of metal braces may be the appropriate move. For example Invisalign may not be recommended if the doctor’s control is limited over the movements of some teeth. Other factors that may discourage the choice of the procedure include insufficient size of the crown that makes it hard to fit the aligners.

But for minor gaps, the choice of Invisalign is best considering the spacing should not go beyond 6mm. some dental professionals also look up to Invisalign for other dental issues like minor canine and bicuspid tooth rotations not over 20 degrees.

Planning of treatment

It is important to work closely with the dentist, and you need to be part of the planning process starting Day One. Planning is not just about the design or the measurement of the aligners; the planning process takes into account your dental health in the future as well. Keep in mind that the moment the procedure is started, no other types of dental solutions can be tapped and this is true if the structure of the tooth will be modified. To get the best out of the treatment, make sure that you plan out and plan it starting Day One with your dentist.

Balance and links with other procedures

It’s important to meet with your dentist and ask if it’s possible to get other procedures even if you are under Invisalign. Or ask if you can use the procedure as a step and requirement for another dental solution. You may find yourself in a situation wherein there are some minor procedures that should be done before you proceed with Invisalign. For example you may need to get some extractions first. Or you may be in a situation where the use of the aligners is but just one step towards the solution of a dental problem. This is the recommended option if the dental problem is complex, and there are complex tooth movements needed. You may need to use metal braces first before you can use the aligners.

Have a talk with your dentist and ask how Invisalign fits with other dental solutions. This will help you in your treatment and reduce treatment time as well.

Limitations of Invisalign- When Metal Braces are Considered Better

It’s not at all times that one can choose Invisalign. There are some situations wherein some options including the use of metal braces may be the better move. Sometimes, metal braces do work and offer good results and this is why it’s important to have a talk first with your dentist and map out your options. Try to weigh the pros and cons of these two important dental options. There are specific cases where Invisalign may not be recommended. For example, this is not recommended if you have severely rotated teeth, like more than 20 degrees from the usual position. Tooth rotations too of the premolars and lower canines, plus teeth that are angled beyond 45 degrees. Or if the problem is skeletal in nature, then Invisalign is not recommended.

The list is actually longer for not covered by Invisalign including deep overbites, open bites, tooth spacing (spacing exceeding 6 mm per arch). Teeth may tip due to large spacing. Also keep in mind that Invisalign may be off limits if you have dental veneers and crowns since it would be difficult to fit the aligners. Have a jaw condition? Invisalign may not work for you too.

Invisalign as a treatment option is good, but better review your options and have a talk with your dentist. It’s better to be safe than to pay an extra for something you don’t need.